Welcome to the realm of your body
Here your body gets support using the latest methods in the field of bodywork
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body code
BEST Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
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Access Energetic Facelift
Be at home in your body and feel great!
Especially in uncertain, turbulent times, it is important to feel comfortable, strong and secure in your own body.
Only in an energetic, living body are we able to experience and enjoy life to the fullest.
Here your body gets "state of the art" help and support so that you can achieve what you heartily desire in your life.
Here's the way out of the pain
and into the joie de vivre!
You can always flexibly choose whether you would like to receive your treatment comfortably at home as remote treatment, depending on the method you choose, or whether you would like to live on site in my practice in Graz or in the joy of being practice in Vienna, want to enjoy your session.
I'm happy for you!

Alles was dein Körper liebt:
30 min
Kostenlos1 hr 30 min
€ 127,-1 hr
€ 97,-- Read More
Postoperative Lymphdrainage, komplexe Entstauungstherapie, Ödeme, nach ärtzlicher Verordnung
1 hr 30 min
€ 127,- - Read More
Postoperative Lymphdrainage, komplexe Entstauungstherapie, Ödeme, nach ärtzlicher Verordnung
1 hr
€ 97,- - Read More
Am Anfang braucht es etwas mehr und für eine noch tiefere Wirkung gibts ein Geschenk für dich dazu.
3 hr
1 hr
144 euros- Read More
Wenn dein Körper mehr Zeit braucht um den tiefsitzenden Schmerz und den Stress loszulassen.
1 hr 30 min
188 euros 1 hr 30 min
30 min
1 hr
experiences of my customers

Above all, your "year in miracles" that you started in 2021 was and is really a miracle for me.
You track down topics in me that I would never have found myself, let alone knew how to deal with them.
You explain things, circumstances and facts to me so that I can understand them!!
I can address my feelings honestly, you take me and my worries and problems seriously and make them important!
I'm learning to appreciate myself more and more and I dare to take on more and more challenges!
Your information, support, tips and life support have become a valuable part of my life - I definitely don't want to give them back!!
Heidi Weilharter 53,
Intensive care nurse Lower Austria
"I'm participating in the 2nd year of the program - Your Year in Miracles - and I can't even list all the miracles.
Violent fears and worries about my loved ones kept throwing me off course. I never knew when I'd feel bad again, I'd fall into a hole.
Since I've been working regularly with Sissi, I feel much lighter, many fears have disappeared, the worries are rarely there.
I can now help myself and get myself out of unpleasant situations more and more often.
The regular support has brought me a lot of stability, confidence in my own strength and abilities.
I would recommend this program to anyone!"
Claudia Czak 54, elementary teacher
“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”
Lisa Driver, MI